
Our effort in Vraa Pajoohan Pooya Company is to participate in the sustainable development of Iran with a regional perspective by providing technical and engineering, research, management and training services in the field of construction projects.
In this regard, by observing the most up-to-date international standards, based on the latest scientific concepts and technology in the world and using the knowledge of our creative experts, we provide professional services in the mentioned scope of work from idea creation to operation and maintenance of projects.
We intend to be one of the top knowledge-based engineering companies in the ten-year horizon, emphasizing the principles and foundations of sustainable development and environmental protection and climate adaptation, based on R&D with new and practical ideas to take effective steps nationally and internationally.

Vraa Pajoohan Pooya with National ID:14005096921 is registered under the law of evaluation and qualification of knowledge-based companies in the field of Policy making. Also referring to Resolution No. 28427/20637 dated 1383/04/23 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Government of Iran, and considering the fulfillment of the necessary conditions, the eligibility of Vraa Company to receive the certification of consulting services in the fields of Water and Wastewater facilities and Environment has been confirmed.


Fields of Activity

​Recent Projects


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